Mrs. Chaka Felder-McEntire
Educational Pursuits
Chaka Felder-McEntire received a BS in Business Administration from Buffalo State College in 2000. She also received dual Master Degrees in School Organizational Communication and Development (2002) and Counseling and Human Services (2003) from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. Chaka holds a Connecticut certification as a School Counselor and an Intermediate Administrative Certification (092). She has served as a 2003 Fellow in the Kellogg Leadership for Community Change and is a graduate of the 2005 United Way of Eastern Fairfield County’s Project Blueprint (a board governance training program). She is currently pursing her Doctorate in Educational Leadership at Southern Connecticut State University.
Chaka was born and raised in Harlem, New York and is the wife of Steven, mother to Drew and Sydney, sister of Jebron, Ronald, Fatima, and Derek Felder and the daughter of Lovell Jackson of New York City.
In June 2000, Chaka co-founded the Omega Queens Mentoring Program based in Buffalo, New York. To date over 100 young girls have participated in the program. All have graduated from high school and attend various colleges and universities.
December 2004, Chaka founded Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc. a 501(c)(3) community-based organization whose mission is to change the lives of under-represented college bound students and Empower, Encourage, and Equip them to obtain a post-secondary education. Since it’s founding HHYEP has provided services to over 500 high school students throughout the State of Connecticut. Each year they have had 100% graduation rate, 100% college acceptance rate, and 80% parent involvement rate.
For the past 10 years, Chaka has worked in the State of Connecticut as a certified school counselor for the Technical High School System and New Haven Public Schools. This July, Chaka will enter into a new administrative role as the High School Coordinator of Highville Change Academy in New Haven, CT.
Honors, Awards, publications, etc.
Southern CT Black Nurses Association, Community Service Award 2011
Phi Delta Kappa- Golden Apple Award, 2011
NAACP Living Legend Youth Choice Award, 2009
Recipient of the Margaret Addis Memorial Award, 2010 (NEACAC)
Award of Excellence for Outstanding Service to the Community, 2007 (Christian Women’s League)
Dorothy Irene Height Service Award, 2007 (Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Gamma Kappa Chapter)
Community Affiliations
Chaka has demonstrated and advocates a strong commitment to youth development. Her current and past affiliations include:
Current Member of Varick Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church in New Haven
Current Board Vice Chair, Booker T. Washington Academy
Current Board Member, Omega Mentoring Program
Current Member of the American School Counselors Association
Current Vice President of the Connecticut School Counselors Association
Diamond Life Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and active member of New Haven Alumnae Chapter
Chair of the Scholarship Committee of the New Haven Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Past Board Member of Greater Bridgeport Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program
Past Board Member, The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Student Awareness Tour (NY)